Our Becker, MN Bank

Sherburne State Bank’s Becker branch is conveniently located at 12500 Sherburne Ave, Becker, MN 55308.

Checking Accounts
At Sherburne State Bank you can choose a checking account that fits your everyday needs.

Personal Checking

 Savings Accounts
Easy and safe, compare the different savings accounts we have to offer, and open the one that’s best for you.

Savings Account

Personal Loans
We offer a wide range of loans, like Auto, Debt Consolidation, Boat, All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV), Home Mortgage, student loans, and more.

Personal Loans

 Digital Banking
Take advantage of our online digital banking with services like mobile banking, instant fund transfer between accounts, online bill pay, and more.

Digital Banking

Coin Counting
When you have an active account with us, you have access to FREE coin counting at our Monticello branch.

 Notary Services
Sherburne State Bank has on staff Notaries at all locations during regular lobby hours or by special appointment.

Conventional Mortgages
Sherburne State Bank offers conventional loans for purchases and refinances that are subject to meeting the requirements set by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

 USDA Rural Housing (RD)
Rural Housing mortgages are available for purchases and refinancing of your residence. Some of the highlights of the Rural Housing Program include: no required down payment, 100% financing, credit scores down to 640, and more!

FHA Mortgages
The FHA loan program is offered to applicants who are looking to purchase or refinance a primary residence but do not meet the conventional loan to value percentages.

 VA Loans
Borrowers who are eligible can take advantage of the 100% financing with no down payment money along with reduced fees. All applicants for VA loans need to qualify per the VA credit guidelines.

Commercial Real Estate
Our lending officers will meet with you to discuss the purchase, refinance, borrowing with an equity loan, or an equity line of credit.

 Construction Loans
Meet with our lending officers to discuss loans related to building, renovating, purchasing land, buying materials, and paying workers.

Land Development
Speak with our commercial loan officers about borrowing for the intent of residential or commercial land development.

 Machinery and Equipment Financing
Your business is expanding, and it’s time to meet with one of our commercial lenders about loans to purchase new machinery and equipment.

Operating Lines of Credit
When you need short-term funding, operating lines of credit are perfect for operating expenses like inventory, supplies, or payroll.

 Standby Letters of Credit
Sherburne State Bank will ensure payment to the seller if the buyer is unable to fulfill the financial obligation.

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